
Grades Taught


Message from KAA School Administrator

The Kainai Alternate Academy (Age 14-18)

KAA is a registered School with Alberta Ed. Since 2006. The parents and students here at the Kainai Alternate Academy understand this and have shown more commitment in their education. We have an in-take process we that we follow in accordance with the Alternative Policies established within the Alberta School Act.

The Kainai Alternate Academy was established as an alternate way of learning for students that were struggling in the contemporary schools.

The Academy is not about compliance, it's about commitment. Alberta's learning system respects the right and responsibility of parents to make decisions that best suit the needs of their children.

KAA Criteria: If younger then 21, registration needs parent/guardian approval, meet with Student Councillor, and complete an Assessment Test-to determine what level the student is.

Thank you for your support!

Byron Bruised Head, Principal